about EN


1988 born in Berlin, lives and works in Berlin

2022 - 2023 Fine Arts / Sculpture at Weissensee Art Academy Berlin, class of Prof. Albrecht Schäfer and Antje Engelmann, Master

2014 - 2022 Fine Arts / Sculpture, Weissensee Art Academy Berlin, class of Prof. Albrecht Schäfer, Diploma

2019 - 2020 DAAD scholarship at the New Media Department of Instituto Superior de Arte, class of Prof. Luis Gómez, Havana, Cuba

2009 - 2013 Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spanish Philology, Madrid, Spain, Bachelor

artist statement

With my Performative Short Films I invite to ask the question "What if...?". On the stage of urban space, I stage everyday situations with unknown people, in which they embody prescribed roles or re-enact scenes. I consciously seek out encounters with people who are "invisible" in our society. The pub-goer, the lonely person, the taxi driver, the person with dementia, the street vendor or the dying person are not actors. And that is precisely why, when they come into play, something true and vulnerable becomes visible, which seems very valuable to me. In addition to very personal encounters, I am concerned with societal issues, such as the transformation of social and family relationships, childhood and the childlike, memory, heritage or identity. Working with amateur actors, role-playing and the combination of staged and documentary elements are central components of my artistic practice.

scholarships / residencies / awards

 2024 Art Prize of the Kunstverein Hof for the video installation ACCIDENTE, Hof

 2024 research stipend Fine Arts, Department of Culture, Senate Berlin 

 2024 Artist in Residence Vechta

 2022/23 nomination for 26th Bundespreis für Kunststudierende

 2022 shortlist of erostepost literature prize, Salzburg, AT

 2022 Art und Zukunft, Frauenalia, Berlin

 2021 - 2022 DIP Residency: audiovisual work between documentation, intimacy and staging by Manuel Abramovich

 2021 3rd Gautinger literature prize, Gauting near Munich

 2019-20 DAAD scholarship for Fine Arts/Design/Film at New Media Department of Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, CU

 2018-19 Mart-Stam-Scholarship / Deutschlandstipendium, Berlin

 2028 Nomination for scholarship for outstanding students of Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes

 2018 project grant of the Karin Abt-Straubinger Foundation

 2018 project grant of the Mart Stam Foundation, Berlin

 2018 L102 Art Prize for the video installation A TRUE STORY, Berlin

 2018 Introducing Program for young talents, Performing Arts Festival, Berlin

exhibitions (selection)

 2024 „In Motion“, Kunstverein Hof, Parkdeck 6, Hof (c)

 2024 You say I have unlimited potential. I disagree (Young Fresh Different Berlin Edition),Zilberman Gallery, Berlin (c)

 2024 Polit Art Zone, Kunstraum Bingen, Bingen am Rhein

 2024 Poets' Corner / Poesiefestival Berlin, Novilla, Berlin (reading)

 2024 Gute Briefe“, Stadtvilla Vechta, Vechta (s)

 2024 Aus diversen Gründen, Borgo Ensemble, Nuremberg

 2024 „Intime Fakten, feld fuenf, Berlin 

 2024 „fire&flame, Backhaus projects, Berlin

 2023 „Havanna Berlin stories“, Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin

 2023 ART Kreuzberg“, former Autohaus Prinzessinnenstraße, Berlin

 2023 U8 Untergrundminauturen“, Projektraum Walden, Berlin (reading)

 2023 „Tumult", Master Class exhibition, Alte Münze, Berlin

 2023 „Touch My Mumblings, Hug My Words, Kiss My Singing", Denchu Hirakushi House and Atelier, Tokyo, JPN

 2023 „Zur Zwischenmiete“, Galerie KUB, Leipzig (reading)

 2023 „Ideentität“, Mikrokosmos, Berlin
 2022 „Mit Parallelität von Widersprüchen wird Komplexes missverständlicher“, Galery Schiefe Zähne, Berlin
 2022 „Yet Yet“, Diploma exhibition, Kühlhaus, Berlin
 2020 „Emerging Lines“, exhibition of the winners of the artist exchange program ParisXBerlin, Art Academy Riga, LV (c)
 2019 „deutsche wohnen (was singen die diven)“, Art in Public Space, collaboration with Ulf Aminde and Christoph Grund, Hansaplatz, Berlin
 2019 „Lichtblick Muted Video Exhibition“, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin
 2019 „Freigänger / Åpen soning“, former women's prison SÖHT7, Berlin (c)
 2019 „No sé qué es una casa“, Artist Residency La Fugitiva, Havana, CU
 2018 „Visions4People“, Art Space Brunnenstraße, Berlin (c)
 2018 „Waiting for“, ParisXBerlin, Galerie du Crous, Paris, FR (c)

 2018 „Dear mom, what do people cross when crossing a boundary?“, ParisXBerlin, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin (c)

 2018 „Friends with books“ Kunstbuchmesse, presentation of a book object from the project a true story, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin
 2018 „Moments of change“, L102 Art Prize, Berlin (c)

(s) solo exhibition    (c) = catalogue

art and film festivals (selection)

 2024 48h Neukölln, Berlin 

 2021 Visionär Film Festival, Berlin

 2021 KAHO Interim, Berlin

 2019 Video Art Screening / 41st Havana Film Festival, Arthaus, Havana, CU

 2018 Performing Arts Festival, Berlin

 2017 Outnow International Performing Arts Festival, Bremen

 2017 Forum Biotopia / Aufwind Festival for Urban Impulses, Vienna, AT

 2017 Arena International Festival for Dance, Theatre and Performance, Erlangen

 2017 YUP: Young Urban Performances Festival, Osnabrück

 2016 Zeitzeug Theatre Festival, Bochum


„Parkplatz“, in: Read if you want to feel, Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, 2024

„Büro“, in: Poesie & Poetry, Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, 2023

Der Keller meines Vaters, theor. Diplomarbeit, Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, 2022

„Umlaufbahnen“, in: Untergrundminiaturen, Kopf & Kragen Literaturverlag, Berlin, 2022

„Erst dachte ich Krieg“, in: erostepost Literaturzeitschrift, Salzburg, 2022

Emerging Lines (Katalog), The Art Academy of Latvia, Riga, 2021

„100 Tage“, in: Postkartengeschichten, Literaturhaus Freiburg, Freiburg, 2021

Kunst Raum (Katalog), STW, Berlin, 2019

Typecasts (Katalog), Mondo Books, Tromsø/Berlin, 2019

visions4people (Katalog), jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2019

Moments of change (Katalog), Kunstverein L102, Berlin, 2018

Pahlenberg, Marlies. Un Puente Contracorriente, Ediciones el Puente: un esfuerzo literario dentro y fuera de

Cuba, Editorial Betania, Madrid, 2014


